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2014. Editions of 3 +AP. Media: Pigment prints, acrylic glass facemounts, 16:9 HD video.

The four year series either,either explores an ‘otherworld’ of Australian society. Its locus is formed at the boundaries between city and country, where the colonised world intersects with what remains of the natural one. It is an exploration of the ‘truthiness’ of reality and the way in which human beings construct their own hybrid truths. It is bright, dark, beautiful and coarse, unsure yet rock steady.

Still life with apple and green fly (2014) Pigment print on archival paper 100 x 84.5cm, AP 70 x 59cm, Edition 5 + 1 AP.
Still life with pear and bush fly (2014) Pigment print on archival paper 100 x 84.5cm, AP 70 x 59cm, Edition 5 + 1 AP.
Still life with pear and housefly (2014) Pigment print on archival paper 100 x 84.5cm, AP 70 x 59cm, Edition 5 + 1 AP.
Bushcropolis #1 (2014) 16:9 HD Video, 10:38min, looped, Edition 5.


Shown at Shimmer Photography Biennale 2014, CACSA Contemporary 2015, Contemporary Art Centre of South Australia, Adelaide, SALA Festival, Aldeaide Town Hall curators program, ArtVerona, Italy.

CJ Taylor » Works » Either, Either III